Monday, December 27, 2010

Forex Dictionary A part 2

*American style currency option
An option that can be done at any time on any official workday during the option period.
ISO 4217 currency code, Currency used in the Netherlands Antilles, which is called by guilders (also called Florins).

ISO 4217 currency code, Currency used in Angola, called by Kwanza
APICS Survey
See Economic Indicators, a composite diffusion index of national industrial conditions. This survey is less well known than the ISM, but can also indicate trends in production. Index level 50 means no growth, but every 10 points marks the acquisition of 4% in manufacturing.
Purchases and sales are carried out simultaneously in different markets of financial instruments equal or equivalent to make a profit from the difference in price or currency exchange rates. Foreign exchange or currency or Swap points can be derived from the difference in value of Deposit (Deposit Rate)
ISO 4217 currency code, Currency used in Argentina, called pesos.
Ascending triangle
A triangle continuation formation with a flat that is higher than the upward sloping trendline and the lower trendline.
Ascending triple top
A point and figure chart formation bullish estimates that the currency is likely to cut the line three times in the achievement of resistance. Each new peak (new top) higher than the previous peak.
The offering price is the selling of a currency or instrument

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